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A new sewing tip/technique I learned

in Tutorials on July 23, 2008

For years I have been making little girls’ dresses and making bow ties in the back of the dress on pinafores, etc. I always struggled with that little metal “turner thingie” that leaves holes in the fabric when you pull to strongly on it. You know what I mean? Well, I am just about finishing the Farbenmix “Feliz” dress and looked at the instructions for making the string ties in the back of the dress. They recommended to use a “turning ribbon”. You can look at the pictures of how they do this here:


The instructions are in German but I think the pictures speak for themselves. You basically attach a temporary long ribbon that you use as a pull string.

You probably all knew about this trick. Just in case you hadn’t I thought I’d let you in on this little trick. It certainly made that part of the dress a lot easier than I used to do it.

I am 61 yrs old and still learning new tricks. Love learning new things about sewing! 🙂

Now, I need to tell you that I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this Feliz dress. “Feliz” means happy – and that is so true for this dress. I am sure Saarah, who will be getting this dress for her birthday, will be just that. It’s so much fun to make, too. Give it a try. The pattern has just come out in English and remember you can get discounted patterns at the yahoo group posted below. Also, if you have any questions regarding these patterns, the yahoo group is always willing to answer them and I would be happy to help you enjoy these patterns as well. Feel free to post your questions here. This is the direct link to the yahoo group:


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