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A sweet story about my autistic granddaughter

in Blog on August 27, 2014

You might know that we have two autistic grandchildren. Our grandson, Sid (almost 14) and granddaughter, Eliana (almost 9).

Eliana stayed with us yesterday afternoon and night. It’s always a special time with her. Last night was no exception.

She saw a new in the hoop birth sampler I had made. I used her name because we just don’t have babies in our family right now. She saw the pillow and fell in love with it. I referred to it as a “baby” pillow and she said “Hmmm…. excuse me! It says “Eliana Grace” on the pillow. How could it be a “baby” pillow??? And then I looked at the words and thought, well, she is absolutely right, it could be used for her and girls her age as well.


I had intended to pose the pillow with one of our larger bears, but that bear went off to school with Eliana.

After I said good night prayers with Eliana last night, I suddenly heard her talk in my sewing room – which is NOT where she sleeps. 🙂 I found her tucking all my little teddy bears into a small baby doll bed and covering them up with a soft blankie, because “they might get cold at night”. Oh, and of course, we had to make sure the night light was left on because she didn’t want the bears to wake up and be afraid and not know where they were.


And, lest you think those little bears were in that doll bed without a mattress, oh, no!! She had torn up several paper tissues and placed them on the bottom so they would sleep on something soft. She absolutely loves the softness of these little teddy bears. She took care of those little bears with so much thought and care. And it reminded me of the love that the Lord has for His children. In this worrysome world, I tend to forget that God IS in control and that He tenderly watches over us, even in the darkest of times. He IS that reassuring nightlight in today’s darkness.

May your day be blessed and thank you for taking the time to read this little story and stopping by to visit us at Oma’s Place.








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