I am hoping that for most of you, if not all, the New Year is off to a good start. Life has been very busy here at Oma’s Place, with many new designs in the making. Since I do most of my own testing, it will take me a while to get them all up for you to see.
Our youngest granddaughter loves the color purple. If it was up to her, the whole world would be colored that way. Her brother recently broke his arm and had a cast applied. The very first question Eliana had for her brother after she saw him with the cast was “why didn’t you pick purple for your cast”? He had picked blue. – I found this great velour at JoAnn’s recently and was very happy that they had it in purple. It is incredibly soft. So I decided to make Eliana a hooded shirt by Farbenmix called “Jule”. I love this pattern. I am beginning to realize though that most of the Farbenmix patterns seem to be running a little on the small side for our grandkids. You want to be sure and take and compare measurements before cutting out these patterns . Here is a photo of Eliana with her new shirt, matching leggins and my applique ricrac rose embroidery.
Wishing all of you a great and blessed 2010.