It has been a very busy February for me. I have been digitizing some great exclusive graphics from WhimsyPrimsy and have been test stitching them…. over and over again to make sure that they stitch out perfectly for you all. The series I am working on is called “Today’s Nurse”. As I have been searching the internet for nursing designs that apply to today’s nurse I found that there are few if any out there. So, Alice from WhimsyPrimsy drew some art at my request and I am really hoping you will like them as much as I have enjoyed digitizing them.
I also wanted to bring to your attention a new site I found that offers free embroidered scripture. It’s an absolutely wonderful site. All the embroidery offered is free and the quality is high. As many of us are facing great financial and personal struggles, you will find that this site not only offers free designs but also comfort for the hurting heart. Here is the site link:
Paul and I are busy getting ready for the new website. We hope it will be soon.
I want to leave you with a prayer a friend once handstitched for me:
“Lord, help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that you and I together can’t handle.”
Take care and hope to be talking to you soon again.
I love the nurse – I work in a nursing home … do you have a .pes file of it somewhere ? 🙂
Sher, I have great news. Hopefully by tomorrow or at the latest by Monday, my designs are going up for sale at http://www.oregonpatchworks.com. I have three nursing related sets for sale. Two for the 5×7 hoops, and one set of nursing miniatures for the 4×4 hoops. None of those are bigger than 2 inches. The minis were designed to fit on or over pockets, maybe over scrub pant side seams. Many more nursing related sets in the making. So you want to be sure and come back and check back periodically here or at oregonpatchworks. Don’t forget to pick up the free nursing design in the free section of this site.
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