I have been very busy with non-sewing things, such as helping our daughter and three children move into their own home. As you are aware, I am sure, moving is always stressful, moving as a single Mom with three children is even more stressful, and moving with an Aspie child is triple stressful. I felt I needed a break from all the moving stress and made Saarah a new dress. She has outgrown most of hers and passed them on to Eliana. I While she looks adorable in this outfit (there is not much that she wouldn’t look adorable in!! :)), I did not enjoy making this dress. I thought the instructions were poorly written, leading to having to redo the dress several times. I also thought that the sizing was off. Saarah is almost 5, wears a size 6 normally, but this size six was big enough for an 8 or 10 yr old. So, I had to take it all apart again, retrace the pattern, and make the dress a size smaller. Then the back skirt part was not clear to me as far as the construction of it and the cutting of it. So…. while Eliana seems to want a twirly dress like Saarah’s, I think I won’t make this one again. I am waiting for Farbenmix’ Feliz – newest dress, that also looks very twirly. Somehow, the twirlier, the more the girls like it.